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Carving on a Skateboard — Everything you need to know

Carving on a Skateboard — Everything you need to know

Published by The Longboard Store | Jake Daniels on 26th Jan 2022

Carving on a skateboard is where you make sharp turns (or carves) that help you control your speed. In longboarding, you can make large S-shaped turns just like in skiing or snowboarding. This is a super fun and relatively easy way to control your speed. Carving on a skateboard has a very similar feel to surfing. It makes you feel like you’re surfing on concrete.

It is no secret that carving on a skateboard is fun, especially with the right board. But with so many different options out there, it can be hard to choose the one best for you.

My personal favorite carver skateboard is the Arbor Ryan Lovelace Shaper. This 32” surfskate was designed by a professional surfboard shaper, Ryan Lovelace, who teamed up with Arbor Skateboards to bring us this masterpiece. Whether you are already a carving expert or eager to learn, this carver is a great place to start. You can check out a complete list of our carving longboards.

If you have any other questions regarding carving or longboarding, send us an email: [email protected]